#3 Full-stack developer - Wanted!

After we have talked about both frontend and backend developers, it makes sense to talk about the complement of these two profiles: the full-stack developer.

In this article, we’re going to describe what is a full-stack developer. Here we will identify:

One day in the life of a full-stack developer;

Some popular full-stack technologies;

The average salary;

How can you start if you want to become a full-stack developer?

One day in the life of a full-stack developer?

You can look at a full-stack developer as a person with frontend and backend skills. It is a person that is ready to develop a web application from the database design to the layout development and client-side interactions.

Thus, full-stack developers work on several different tasks, such as:

Create the UI for a new feature;

Develop the backend for a new feature;

Design the database to receive data from a new entity;

Develop mobile versions for a web application.

So many different tasks. And that’s why companies endeavor to hire full-stack developers. They can go from the UI to the backend contexts so managers have the flexibility to manage their resources where they are most needed.

Full-stack popular technologies

Typically, companies choose a set of frontend and backend technologies and languages and the full-stack developers in these companies will learn and get experience in this specific stack. There are some popular recommended stacks, such as:





What is the average junior full-stack developer salary?

According to Glassdoor, the average full-stack developer salary globally is 93k$ per year.

Obviously, this depends on the country where you live, the company where you will work, the type of projects you will work with, and so on. But actually, in this world, you would have the opportunity to develop your own path. You would be able to choose between multiple companies, types of projects, remote working vs office working, among so many other factors.

How can I start?

Follow this checklist and you will be ready to get a job as a full-stack developer in about 6 months.

Check our study guide

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Follow the guide using the resources you have identified

So for each section, it’s important that you search for related resources on the internet. Google might be your best friend! However, if you find it too difficult to find the appropriate resources for each section, we can help you. We developed a boot camp where you will find the best free resources for each section we do recommend you to follow. So our boot camp is a way you tackle this issue and reduce the time you need to complete this study guide.

How much time do I need to become a full-stack developer?

How much effort it will require? Based on our research and estimates you can become a well-paid junior full-stack developer in less than 6 months. Hard work, focus, and well-planned study guide are mandatory. But the outcomes will be amazing.

Now, you already have a big picture of what you have to learn to become a full-stack developer and to get an amazing opportunity to change your professional career. But we can help you more with this.

We provide you a completely free and well-planned study guide you can follow to become a web developer . You only have to click the button below.